It was as though she became pregnant and gave birth in a matter of a few hours. Had I forgotten she was pregnant? Where had I been for the last nine months? Nine months. We have only been married for seven--at most. God... what are people gonna think. My parents will be disappointed. Whatever. They're always disappointed. Her parents. I don't have to think about that now.
What time is it? Where is my wife?
"Excuse me. I am looking for..."
Right beside me. Where did she come from? Be warm.
"Where is our new baby girl?"
"Here she comes now."
So shadowy. Why the darkened door? WHY DOES SHE LOOK SIX-YEARS-OLD? She looks like I did.
"She's so... old."
"I gave her a protein shot."
What the hell is a protein shot? Keep cool.
"Alright... no more protein shots without discussing them with me."
Yeh... that's good. Clear communication will solve this.
"No more anything, how about, until discussing it with me."